Friday, May 23, 2008

Blogging about my getting boggled, when people ogle ;)

I hate when the 40 s something man pedaling on his cycle, cranes his neck, owl like to watch a 20s something girl right around the road bend. No, i have no problem with their ages..but to me its sort of indecent to make it so obvious.. doesn't it need to be done a little more subtly, in a more refined way... of course most of us "eye" a girl a second time,not in any amorous way..hmm...(i generalize..erring on the side of honour !!) but just as u would spare a second glance at a rose blossomed in a garden..fully aware that u may never see that again..
but to literally go out of your "way" or turn 180 degrees around, is something i at least cant associate with being well-bred.agreed u have your instincts to tackle, but like in so many cases where we hold our nerve for the sake of civility,a lot of embarrassment can be avoided.
Ideally "the one watching" must be the only one aware ..or as in more general cases "the one being watched" might also be added. but apart from these 2, i see no no reason why anybody else must be made privy to this. a subject and an object are enough..(predicates should be disposed of)as i see it..its a private act done in public.
The observer in no way should affect the observed and certainly there is no need of an audience to view this experiment being conducted day in, day out

Saturday, May 17, 2008

having come so far..u might as well read it

u know what.. i am supposed to write something romantic today!! and am in the worst of moods to do so.Now it's not that i need a reason to get upset though, i can make trivial events substantial enough to offset the fragile balance between my getting along and sulking..nah..i have got used to it and so have a few people around me ;).i sometimes wonder if deep within i am a its not that i love seeing people in pain or want to inflict suffering on them.. (in fact mosquitoes are the only mobile living things i can kill or rather try to kill.).what i actually mean is...if X gets upset because I am upset, i sort of feel technically i am rejoicing on a grief ..(please please dont stop reading this blog :-p)..
in case u r wondering what the F*** this is all's just that i have a bad headache and not getting any what better than banging on ur keyboard and have the gratification of immortalising it on the net.
will try and come up with something better soon,until then try the "I read " links down..people have suddenly become more productive..