Saturday, March 29, 2008

To each onto his own

my life has been a series of HR blunders,i detest people easily, needing no great convincing to do so..and the few i have managed to like have never felt the need to reciprocate ;) here i stand 22 years after i opened my eyes to this species called homo sapiens ; still looking for a shoulder to lean on, a pair of eyes to laugh with,a hand to clasp.its like what Maupassant says..i am like the statue in the middle of the market place,all around me,but none with sometimes when i am walking, i ask myself if i should turn the other way and say hello to a long lost friend...check up what he is upto these days.and then i ask why..just for the sake of it ?? and i usually decide to go my way and open up my reluctant,lone, empty room.but this sunday i finally decided to turn the other way...with courage i climbed up those "hallowed" steps leading up to his room and with one long deep breath knocked on the door...
it was locked.and i saw was shut upon me.and there the adventure ended.
i could have gone the next day,may be he would have been home,may be not.but the steps never turned the other way,and i have left the steps and something inside me unconquered

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Indiscreet observations

in shantaram he says the the universe evolves towards increasing complexity..and in that case i am supree..mly evolved.the other day i was trying to pick a pastry from a confectionery and i brooded on my choices for 15 min straight.complexity comes naturally to me.i simply cant,inspite of all my efforts be simple.i bring so many trivial variables while even making a simple decision that i get lost juggling them."U think too much" my father keeps telling me..perhaps its simple only if u know what u want...for then the only thing remaining is to get it.but for somebody who is yet to be enlightened, everything is equally enticing and equally i end up saying anything is ok for me..which actually is an euphemism for i cant decide which is best for me.that to me is a great weakness.i used to say i am not particular about the dresses i wear,i care least about them..blah blah..but then i realised that when i refuse to make a choice,i am giving up the control of my life however trivial that part of me is,which i found entirely acceptable..for in the end i should atleast have the satisfaction of having suffered due to my own choices.