I have often felt that I sulk too much.My father has told it to me several times,my mother makes it a point to mention it once every fortnight.So, of late I have really been trying hard not to you know..... sulk.For about a month or so I felt I was doing reasonably well.I was getting to hear absolute non-sense and yet I kept quiet. Thinking that universe as a whole isn't that bad. I brushed aside the most wily insinuations as unintended innocuous remarks and life was pretty much ok.It was then that I met a colleague who was also giving the GRE.The first thing she said to me was"Isn't GRE absolute rubbish".If only u know how hard it was for me not to ramble on...I just managed a feeble "I don't know".Next she comes up with "Don't they treat us like some laborers at this place?..I mean we are highly qualified".That was it ...a tinge of conceit always makes people look attractive...you know and that's how the girl with the irritatingly, strong mother tongue influence, became my friend and we have happily sulked ever since.In fact i now realize most of my friends are unmistakably bound by this common 'sulking' thread.People with added disdain and sarcasm become friends i admire
I guess that is why friends are there...each individual is unique and hence a friend will give you new perspectives from which you can crib. and it's so much better to do it together...