Sunday, June 15, 2008

God of Small Things

"i have always told myself i can be happy without u ..there will always be some sight i can cherish irrespective of ur presence , some taste i can savour even if u r not beside me,
the sunset is as rapturous....
the rose smells as sweet ....
the rain is as enticing...
the ghazal is as melancholy...
the breeze is as soothing...
the ice is as tingling... and then...
and then...i see our where only we were there.. smiling..
smiling... at nothing in particular but in a life-is-beautiful kind of way..i try to smile the same way..i try to tilt my head as if leaning on ur shoulder..clasp my fingers around a imaginary wrist... but i cant..i can laugh more... but i can never smile the way i do when u r beside me... its then... that that i realise how much deeply i miss u"
concept borrowed "with permission"